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Actions: August 25, 2004

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Non-delegable board reports that require member action


04-0825-MO1 Motion to Close *Adopted

Reports from the General Counsel

04-0825-AR2 Authorize the Retention of Michael J. Finley Attorney at Law *Accepted
04-0825-AR3 Authorize Retention of Hearing Officers (Stephen H. Pugh, Esq. and Richard Travis, Esq.) *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

04-0825-EX2 Principal Contracts (A) (Boston; Espinoza; Hobbs; Miller; Perry; Ratkovich) *Adopted
04-0825-EX3 Principal Contracts (B) (Calhoun; Esparza) *Adopted
04-0825-EX4 Warning Resolution – Dorothy Davis, Teacher, Assigned to McNair Academic Center *Adopted
04-0825-EX5 Warning Resolution – Joann Eason, Teacher, Assigned to Parkside Community Academy *Adopted
04-0825-EX6 Warning Resolution – Dolores King, A Teacher, Assigned to Hefferan Elementary School *Adopted
04-0825-EX7 Warning Resolution – Josefina Melendez, Teacher, Assigned to Roosevelt High School *Adopted
04-0825-EX8 Warning Resolution – Algird Pretkelis, Principal, Assigned to Thomas Kelly High School *Adopted
04-0825-EX9 Warning Resolution – Michael Smith, A Teacher, Assigned to Amundsen High School *Adopted
04-0825-EX10 Warning Resolution – Lisa Zoccoli, Teacher, Twain Elementary School *Adopted

Unfinished Business

04-0728-PO7 Amend Board Report 03-0827-PO01 Amend Board Report 02-0522-PO02 Amend Board Report 01-1024-PO1 Guidelines for Public Presentation Deferred
04-0728-RU2 Amend Board Rules 2-5, 2-5.1, 2-27, 5-4, 5-4.1, 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-9, 5-13.1, 5-21, 5-22 and 5-29 and Repeal Board Rules 5-10.2, 5-11, 5-14 and 5-20 Deferred


04-0825-RS1 Memorial Resolution Honoring Thomas Joseph Corcoran Jr. Former Secretary of the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Accepted
04-0825-RS2 Memorial Resolution Honoring Dr. Barbara Sizemore Accepted
04-0825-RS3 Resolution Request to Convey the Board of Education’s Reversionary Interest in the East Half of the North-South Alley Bounded by West Pryor to the North, West Monterey to the South, South Hermosa to the East and South Esmond to the West, to the Public Building Commission of Chicago Deferred
04-0825-RS4 Resolution Authorizing Certain Board Officials to Negotiate an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Chicago Concerning the Receipt of Empowerment Zone Funds for Juarez Community Academy Deferred
04-0825-RS5 Resolution Adopting the Annual School Budget for Fiscal Year 2005 Deferred
04-0825-RS6 Resolution Approving the Capital Improvement Program (Fiscal Year 2005) for the Chicago Public Schools Deferred
04-0825-RS7 Resolution Re: Appointment of Teacher Representative to the Local School Council to Fill Teacher Representative Vacancy Deferred


04-0825-PO1 Amend Board Report 03-1022-PO03 Adopt a Policy for New Teacher Induction Deferred
04-0825-PO2 Amend Board Report 01-0822-PO2 Adopt a Residency Policy for All Employees of the Board of Education Deferred
04-0825-PO3 Adopt a New Information Security Policy Deferred


04-0825-CO1 Communication Re: Amend Board Report 04-0526-CO3 2004-2005 Schedule of Regular Board Meetings – Board of Education, City of Chicago Deferred
04-0825-CO2 Location of Board Meeting of September 22, 2004 125 South Clark Street – Board Chamber *No action

Reports from the Chief Officer

04-0825-EX1 Transfer of Funds Adopted

Reports from the Chief Education Officer

04-0825-ED1 Report on Student Expulsions for July 2004 Adopted
04-0825-ED2 Approve the Participation of LaSalle Language Academy in a Language and Cultural Immersion Program to Barcelona, Spain and Authorize Travel Expenses Related to the Program Adopted
04-0825-ED3 Authorize Payment to the Various Cultural Institutions Participating in the Schools Without Walls Program to Provide Curriculum and Staff Development Programs to the Chicago Public Schools Adopted
04-0825-ED4 Approve Payment to Chicago State University for Tuition for the Certification of Military Personnel Program Adopted
04-0825-ED5 Approve Tuition Payments to Colleges and Universities Participating in the College Bridge Program Adopted
04-0825-ED6 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Rush Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center’s Westside Science and Math Networkfor Internship Services Adopted
04-0825-ED7 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with DePaul Center for Urban Education for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0825-ED8 Approve Entering Into a License Agreement with Paragon Marketing Group, LLC to License the Use of Farragut Academy’s Name Adopted
04-0825-ED9 Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Universities for Social Work Student Internships Adopted
04-0825-ED10 Amend Board Report 04-0623-ED7 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with the University of Illinois at Chicago for Professional Services (National Teachers Academy) *Adopted as amended
04-0825-ED11 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Agreements with Various External Partners to Provide After School Program Services Adopted
04-0825-ED12 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Advancement Via Individual Determination for Consulting Services *Adopted as amended
04-0825-ED13 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Reading in Motion for Consulting Services (Eberhart Elementary School) Adopted
04-0825-ED14 Approve Payment to North Central Association (NCA) for Annual High School Accreditation Dues Adopted

Reports from the Chief Purchasing Officer

04-0825-PR1 Approve Exercising the Fourth Option to Renew the Agreement with School Specialty, Inc. for the Purchase of Educational Supplies Adopted
04-0825-PR2 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreements with Windy City Press and K & M Printing for Printing Services Adopted
04-0825-PR3 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with University Printing of Chicago for Printing Services Adopted
04-0825-PR4 Ratify the Award of Construction Contracts and Ratify or Approve Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education’s Capital Improvement Program Adopted
04-0825-PR5 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Midpack Corporation for the Purchase of Blue Plastic Liners Adopted
04-0825-PR6 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Allied Waste Transportation Inc. d/b/a National Waste Services for Waste Removal Services for Central Office Building Adopted
04-0825-PR7 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Metal Maintenance, Inc. for Metal Maintenance Services Adopted
04-0825-PR8 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Preferred Meal Systems, Inc. for Prepared Meals-Frozen Pre-Plated and Distribution Services *Adopted
04-0825-PR9 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Preferred Meal Systems, Inc. for Prepared Meals-Refrigerated Pre-Plated and Distribution Services *Adopted
04-0825-PR10 Amend Board Report 04-0225-PR7 Approve Exercising the First Option to Extend the Agreement with Monahan’s Landscape Co. for Landscape Maintenance Services in Region 6/Unit 6 and for Campus Parks and Athletic Fields/Unit 7 Adopted
04-0825-PR11 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with EdTech Strategies, LLC for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0825-PR12 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with the University of Illinois at Chicago for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0825-PR13 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Arthur L. Berman *Adopted as amended
04-0825-PR14 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Hilton Chicago & Towers for Catering Services and Space Rental Adopted
04-0825-PR15 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Deborah Moloney for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0825-PR16 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Yasmin Quiroz for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0825-PR17 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Agreements with Various Universities for the College Excel Program Adopted
04-0825-PR18 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with ASCL Educational Services, Inc. for Consultant Services Adopted
04-0825-PR19 Amend Board Report 03-1217-PR29 Approve Entering Into a Software License Agreement with Thinking Media Adopted
04-0825-PR20 Amend Board Report 04-0428-PR32 Approve Entering Into a Teacher Referral and Support Agreement with the Golden Apple Foundation Adopted
04-0825-PR21 Approve Payment to the Children First Fund for Services Related to the Summer Fellows Program Adopted
04-0825-PR22 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Northwestern University for Consulting Services (Clemente High School) Adopted
04-0825-PR23 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Gary W. Morris Associates for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0825-PR24 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreements with Various Agencies for Support Services for the Attendance Initiatives Program Adopted
04-0825-PR25 Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Agreement with the University of Illinois at Chicago for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0825-PR26 Approve the Renewal of the Agreement with Merit School of Music for Consulting Services (Nathaneal Greene School) Adopted
04-0825-PR27 Amend Board Report 02-0724-PR43 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Herff Jones, Inc. for Caps and Gowns for the Summer Bridge and Winter-Term Graduations Adopted
04-0825-PR28 Approve the Acceptance of the Funding Commitment for Budlong Elementary School From the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Administrative Company (E-Rate) and Approve and Ratify Agreements with Rico Enterprises, Inc. and First Security Systems, Inc. for E-Rate Work Adopted
04-0825-PR29 Ratify an Agreement with O’Kema Lewis for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0825-PR30 Ratify an Agreement with Coretta L. McFerren for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0825-PR31 Ratify an Agreement with Bertrand Murrell for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0825-PR32 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with the University of Illinois at Chicago for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0825-PR33 Ratify Exercising the First Option to Renew the Agreements with Various Universities for Professional Development ServicesUnder the Chicago Mathematics and Science Initiative Adopted
04-0825-PR34 Approve Payment to the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) for the Purchase of CTA Fare Cards and Transfers Adopted
04-0825-PR35 Approve Payment to the City of Chicago for Security Services Rendered at Various High Schools Adopted
04-0825-PR36 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Planned Parenthood Association, Chicago Area for Professional Services Adopted
04-0825-PR37 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Pyramid Educational Consultants for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0825-PR38 Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Private Cluster Schools to Provide Cluster Program Services Adopted
04-0825-PR39 Authorize Payments to Various Treatment Facilities for Educational Services Provided to Chicago Public School Students Instructed in Psychiatric Hospitals Adopted
04-0825-PR40 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with the Mobile Children Asthma Research Education (C.A.R.E.) Foundation for Professional Services Adopted


Reports from the Chief Education Officer

04-0825-ED15 Omnibus Report: Authorize the Acceptance of Grants Accepted
04-0825-ED16 Omnibus Report: Authorize the Acceptance of School-Based Grants Accepted
04-0825-ED17 Provide Restructured School Days at Selected Attendance Centers Accepted
04-0825-ED18 Authorize the Acceptance of Free Vision Care Services Accepted
04-0825-ED19 Authorize the Acceptance of a Donation of Vouchers From Longstreet of New York to Purchase School Uniforms for Chicago Public School Students Accepted
04-0825-ED20 Authorize the Acceptance of a Donation Accepted
04-0825-ED21 Authorize the Acceptance of a Donation of Services From the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority and Florida Atlantic University for the Evaluation of the Chicago Public Schools’ Peer Jury Program Accepted
04-0825-ED22 Approve Sabbatical Leave for Jenai Jenkins Accepted

Reports from the General Counsel

04-0825-AR1 Report on Board Report Rescissions Accepted
*Presented at the meeting

I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.

Susan J. Narrajos