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Actions: October 23, 2013

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Non-delegable board reports that require member action


13-1023-RS1 Resolution Regarding Elementary School Promotion Requirements Adopted
13-1023-RS2 Amend Board Report 13-0828-RS3 Resolution Re: Appointment of Members to Local School Councils to Fill Vacancies for the Current Term of Office Adopted
13-1023-RS3 Approve the Mid-Term Appointment of Members to Local School Councils to Fill Vacancies Adopted


13-1023-CO1 Communication Re: Location of Board Meeting of November 20, 2013 - 125 S. Clark Street (Board Chamber) *No action

Report from the Chief Executive Officer

13-1023-EX1 Transfer of Funds*
*[Note: The complete document will be on File in the Office of the Board]

Education Report

13-1023-ED1 Authorize Agreements with Lead Partners for School Improvement and Support Services Adopted

Report from the General Counsel

13-1023-AR1 Authorize the Continued Retention of The Law Firm Neal & Leroy, L.L.C. Adopted

Reports from the Chief Procurement Officer

13-1023-PR1 Authorize New Agreement with Community Organizing and Family Issues for Walking Preschoolers to School Services (The Walking Bus Program) Adopted
13-1023-PR2 Authorize New Agreement with Lopez Martin and Associates, Inc. D/B/A Purple Group to Provide a Public Education Marketing Plan for Healthy CPS Initiative Adopted
13-1023-PR3 Authorize Final Renewal Agreement with NOCTI for the Purchase of Technical Competency Pre and Post Tests Adopted
13-1023-PR4 Authorize First Renewal Agreement with Jacobs Project Management Company for Project Director Services Adopted
13-1023-PR5 Authorize First Renewal Agreement with Lend Lease (US) Construction Inc. for Construction Management Services Adopted
13-1023-PR6 Authorize First Renewal of Pre-Qualification Status and Agreements with Contractors to Provide Various Trades Work Over $10,000 for the Operations and Maintenance Program Adopted
13-1023-PR7 Authorize Final Renewal Agreement with Cannon Design for Design Management Services Adopted
13-1023-PR8 Authorize Final Renewal Agreement with URS Corporation for Program Management Services Adopted
13-1023-PR9 Authorize Agreement Extension with the Gordian Group, Inc. to License Use of and Provide Consulting Services for the Board's Job Order Contract Program Adopted
13-1023-PR10 Report on the Award of Construction Contracts and Approve Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education's Capital Improvement Program Adopted
13-1023-PR11 Amend Board Report 13-0626-PR26 Authorize Placement of the Board's Excess Liability and Property Insurance Programs Through Mesirow Insurance Services, Inc. Adopted
13-1023-PR12 Authorize First Renewal Agreements with Great-West Life and Annuity Insurance Company and Wells Fargo Bank N.A. for Defined Contribution Retirement Services Adopted
13-1023-PR13 Authorize First Renewal of the Policies with Standard Life Insurance Company for the Placement of the Board's Employee Group Basic Life, Voluntary Life, Personal Accident and Disability Insurance Adopted
13-1023-PR14 Authorize Second Renewal Agreement with R.V. Kuhns and Associates, Inc. for Retirement Savings Plan Consulting Services Adopted
13-1023-PR15 Authorize Agreement Extensions with Four Companies for the Defined Contribution Retirement Services Adopted
13-1023-PR16 Approve Payment to Mind Over Matter, LLC for the Purchase of T-shirts for the 2013-2014 Back to School Campaign Adopted

Delegable Reports

Report from the Chief Network Support Officer

13-1023-MS1 Approve the Renaming of Samuel Gompers Fine Arts Options Elementary School as the Jesse Owens Elementary Community Academy Accepted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

13-1023-EX2 Report on Principal Contracts (New) Accepted
13-1023-EX3 Report on Principal Contracts (Renewals) Accepted

Report from the General Counsel

13-1023-AR2 Report on Board Report Rescissions Accepted

Non-delegable board reports that require member action


13-1023-MO1 Motion to Hold a Closed Session *Adopted

Reports from the General Counsel

13-1023-AR3 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Gerald Arena – Case No. 04 WC 1357 *Adopted
13-1023-AR4 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Christina Claunch – Case Nos. 09 WC 25591, 08 WC 5075, 08 WC 27515, and 11 WC 28319 *Adopted
13-1023-AR5 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Marsha Levine – Case No. 12 WC 6061 *Adopted
13-1023-AR6 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Barbara Marino – Case No. 08 WC 28120 *Adopted
13-1023-AR7 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for LaShawn Yancey – Case No. 11 WC 10520 *Adopted
13-1023-AR8 Approve Settlement with Business Supply Systems, Inc. – Case No. 10 L 14821 *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

13-1023-EX4 Transfer and Appoint Chief Operating Officer – Office of the Chief Executive Officer (Tom Tyrrell) *Adopted
13-1023-EX5 Transfer and Appoint Chief of Schools – Office of Network Support (Rhonda Corr Saegert) *Adopted
13-1023-EX6 Principal Contracts (New ALSC) (Wayne Issa) (Marisa Velasquez) *Adopted
13-1023-EX7 Adopt Finding that Pupils are Non-Residents of the City of Chicago Indebted to the Chicago Public Schools for Non-Resident Tuition *Adopted
13-1023-EX8 Adopt Finding that Pupil is a Non-Resident of the City of Chicago Indebted to the Chicago Public Schools for Non-Resident Tuition *Adopted
13-1023-EX9 Adopt Finding that Pupils are Non-Residents of the City of Chicago Indebted to the Chicago Public Schools for Non-Resident Tuition *Adopted

Reports from the Board of Education

13-1023-RS4 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Regarding the Dismissal of Sunday Uwumarogie, Principal, Formerly Assigned to Eugene Field School *Adopted
13-1023-RS5 Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer’s Recommendation to Dismiss Educational Support Personnel *Adopted
13-1023-RS6 Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer’s Recommendation to Dismiss Probationary Appointed Teacher *Adopted
13-1023-RS7 Resolution Authorizing the Honorable Termination of Regularly Certified and Appointed Teachers *Adopted


13-1023-MO2 Motion Re: Adopt and Maintain as Confidential Closed Session Minutes from September 25, 2013 *Adopted
13-1023-MO3 Motion Re: Approval of Record of Proceedings of Meeting Open to the Public September 25, 2013 *Adopted
*Presented at the meeting

I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.

Susan J. Narrajos