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Actions: March 22, 2023

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Agenda of Action


23-0322-MO1 Motion RE: Recess *Adopted

Non-delegable board reports that require member action


23-0322-MO2 Motion RE: Approval of Record of Proceedings of Meeting Open to the Public February 22, 2023 *Adopted


23-0322-RS1 Resolution RE: National Board Certification Recognition Class of 2022 and 2022 Renewed National Board Certified Teachers Accepted
23-0322-RS2 Resolution Appointing Miquel A. Lewis to the Board of Trustees of the Public School Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund of the City of Chicago Adopted
23-0322-RS3 Resolution Authorize Appointment of Members to Local School Councils to Fill Vacancies Adopted

Report from the Chief Executive Officer

23-0322-EX1 Transfer of Funds Adopted

Reports from the Interim Chief Operating Officer

23-0322-OP1 Amend Board Report 14-0625-OP1 Amend Board Report 12-0222-OP1 Amend Board Report 11-0824-OP2 Authorize (1) Entering into a Joint Agreement with Clayco, Inc., The Chicago Park District, The Chicago Cubs and its Charities and The Wood Family Foundation for The Construction of a Baseball Field and a Use Agreement with The Park District for Use of the Field; (2) Entering Into Reciprocal Lease Agreement with DePaul College Prep Foundation, Successor in Interest to DeVry Education Group, Inc. and (3) Entering Into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Chicago for Remediation Funds and Improvement Costs Adopted
23-0322-OP2 Permanent Debarment of Manhood Shelter, Inc., RVD Consultants, Louis C. Gross, II, and Ramona Diaz Adopted

Reports from the Acting Chief Procurement Officer

23-0322-PR1 Authorize the First Renewal of Pre-Qualification Status of Various Organizations to Provide In-School Arts Education Services Adopted
23-0322-PR2 Amend Board Report 22-1026-PR2 Authorize the First Renewal Agreement with Various Vendors to Provide College Career Readiness Services to All Schools and Departments Adopted
23-0322-PR3 Amend Board Report 22-0622-PR8 Authorize New Agreements with Various Vendors for the Purchase of Library Books, E-Books and Related Services Adopted
23-0322-PR4 Authorize the First Renewal Agreement with W.W. Grainger, Inc. for the Purchase of Maintenance, Repair and Operation Supplies Adopted
23-0322-PR5 Authorize a New Agreement with E-Builder, Inc. for Construction Management Software and Related Services Adopted
23-0322-PR6 Report on the Award of Construction Contracts and Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education’s Capital Improvement Program Adopted
23-0322-PR7 Authorize the First, Second and Third (Final) Renewals with Computer Aid, Inc. for Managed Services for Enterprise Financial Systems Adopted
23-0322-PR8 Authorize a New Agreement with Active Internet Technologies, LLC DBA Finalsite for a District-Wide Communications Solution Adopted
23-0322-PR9 Authorize a New Agreement with Education Logistics, Inc. for Student Transportation Consulting Services and Routing Software Adopted
23-0322-PR10 Authorize New Agreements with Various Vendors for Charter/Yellow School Buses and/or Alternative Models of Transportation for Field and Sport Trip Services Adopted

Delegable Reports

Report from the Chief Financial Officer

23-0322-FN1 Chief Financial Officer Report for February 2023 on the Emergency Authority Exercised Under Resolution 22-0622-RS4 Accepted

Report from the Acting Chief Procurement Officer

23-0322-PR11 Chief Procurement Officer Delegation of Authority Report for January 2023 Pursuant to Board Rule 7-13(i) and Chief Financial Officer Report for January 2023 Pursuant to Board Rule 7-13(d) Accepted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

23-0322-EX2 Report on Principal Contracts (New) Accepted
23-0322-EX3 Report on Principal Contracts (Renewals) Accepted

Report from the General Counsel

23-0322-AR1 Report on Board Report Rescissions Accepted

Non-delegable board reports that require member action

Reports from the General Counsel

23-0322-AR2 Appoint Senior Assistant General Counsel Department of Law (Meredith W. Buckley)
23-0322-AR3 Appoint Assistant General Counsel Department of Law (Frank A. Johns) Adopted
23-0322-AR4 Amend Board Report 23-0222-AR4 Amend Board Report 23-0125-AR8 Amend Board Report 22-1207-AR4 Amend Board Report 22-0928-AR2 Amend Board Report 22-0824-AR5 Amend Board Report 22-0727-AR7 Amend Board Report 22-0622-AR5 Authorize Continued Retention of Various Outside Counsel Law Firms on an Hourly or Flat Fee Basis Adopted
23-0322-AR5 Workers' Compensation Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Paul Harris - Case No. 22WC 000374 Adopted
23-0322-AR6 Approve Payment of Proposed Settlement Regarding J.F. Adopted
23-0322-AR7 Approve Payment of Proposed Settlement Regarding Odette Langer v. Board, Case No. 2011-CV-005226 Adopted

Report from the Board of Education

23-0322-RS4 Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer's Recommendation to Dismiss Educational Support Personnel Adopted


23-0322-MO3 Motion RE: Adopt and Maintain as Confidential Closed Session Minutes from February 22, 2023 *Adopted
23-0322-MO4 Motion to Hold a Closed Session *Adopted

Report from the Chief Executive Officer

23-0322-EX4 Transfer and Appoint Chief of Schools – Network 2 Effective March 27, 2023 (Estuardo Mazin) *Adopted
*Presented at the meeting

I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.

Susan J. Narrajos