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Actions: September 28, 2016

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Non-delegable board reports that require member action


16-0928-MO1 Motion to Hold a Closed Session *Adopted

Reports from the General Counsel

16-0928-AR2 Authorize Retention of The Law Firm Miller Canfield *Adopted
16-0928-AR3 Authorize Retention of The Law Firm Borkan & Scahill Ltd. *Adopted
16-0928-AR4 Authorize Retention of The Law Firm Greene and Letts *Adopted
16-0928-AR5 Approve Payment of Proposed Settlement Regarding Blake S. *Adopted
16-0928-AR6 Approve Payment of Proposed Settlement Regarding Isabel S. *Adopted
16-0928-AR7 Approve Payment of Proposed Settlement Regarding Michaela F. *Adopted
16-0928-AR8 Approve Compliance with Back Pay Award for Tenured Teacher Michael Hines *Adopted
16-0928-AR9 Appoint Assistant General Counsel Department of Law (Lisa M. Butler) *Adopted
16-0928-AR10 Appoint Assistant General Counsel Department of Law (Sarah K. Quinn) *Adopted
16-0928-AR11 Appoint Assistant General Counsel Department of Law (Seth Mann Rosenberg) *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

16-0928-EX2 Transfer and Appoint Chief Financial Officer (Jennie Bennett) *Adopted
16-0928-EX3 Approve Appointment of Chief of Schools Effective August 15, 2016 and Ratify all Lawful Actions Taken as Chief of Schools Since August 15, 2016 (Elizabeth Alvarez) *Adopted
16-0928-EX4 Warning Resolution – Suzanne Dunn, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Chappell Elementary School *Adopted
16-0928-EX5 Warning Resolution – Kevin Lee, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Neil F. Simeon Career Academy High School *Adopted
16-0928-EX6 Adopt Finding that Pupils are Non-Residents of the City of Chicago Indebted to the Chicago Public Schools for Non-Resident Tuition *Adopted
16-0928-EX7 Adopt Finding that Pupils are Non-Residents of the City of Chicago Indebted to the Chicago Public Schools for Non-Resident Tuition *Adopted

Reports from the Board of Education

16-0928-RS3 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Regarding the Dismissal of Christopher Holz, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences *Adopted
16-0928-RS4 Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer’s Recommendation to Dismiss Educational Support Personnel *Adopted
16-0928-RS5 Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer’s Recommendation to Dismiss Probationary Appointed Teachers *Adopted


16-0928-MO2 Motion Re: Adopt and Maintain as Confidential Closed Session Minutes from August 24, 2016 *Adopted
16-0928-MO3 Motion Re: Approval of Record of Proceedings of Meeting Open to the Public August 24, 2016 *Adopted


16-0928-RS1 Resolution Adopting a Final One-Year Capital Improvement Plan of the Board of Education of the City of Chicago for Fiscal Year 2017 Adopted
16-0928-RS2 Resolution Authorizing the Development and Implementation of a Contingency Plan *Adopted


16-0928-PO1 Amend Board Report 08-0123-PO2 Amend Board Report 06-1025-PO1 Policy on Parent and Student Rights of Access to and Confidentiality of Student Records Adopted
16-0928-PO2 Amend Board Report 00-0823-PO1 Amend {{Adopt}} the Chicago Public Schools' Policy on Strategic Sourcing Adopted


16-0928-RU1 Amend Board Rule 7-9 Strategic Sourcing Adopted


16-0928-CO1 Communication Re: Location of Board Meeting of October 26, 2016 –
CPS Loop Office, 42 W. Madison, Garden Level, Board Room, Chicago, IL 60602
*No action

Report from the Chief Executive Officer

16-0928-EX1 Transfer of Funds*
*[Note: The complete document will be on File in the Office of the Board]

Reports from the Chief Procurement Officer

16-0928-PR1 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Phonak, LLC for the Purchase of Hearing Assistive Technology (HAT) and Frequency Modulation (FM) Equipment Adopted
16-0928-PR2 Authorize a New Master Agreement with Academy for Urban School Leadership for Professional Development, Management Consulting and Turnaround Services Adopted
16-0928-PR4 Report on the Award of Construction Contracts and Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education's Capital Improvement Program Adopted
16-0928-PR5 Amend Board Report 16-0427-PR12 Authorize the Extension of the Agreement with Severin Intermediate Holdings, LLC DBA PowerSchool Group LLC (as Successor-in-Interest to Maximus K-12 Education, Inc. DBA Maximus Inc.) for License and Maintenance of Student Services Management Software Adopted
16-0928-PR6 Authorize the First and Second Renewal Agreement with AT&T, Corp. for Telecommunications Voice and Data Services Adopted
16-0928-PR7 Authorize the First Renewal Agreement with Benefit Express Services, LLC to Provide Medical and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Service to Participating Employees Adopted
16-0928-PR8 Authorize the First Renewal Agreement with Delta Dental of Illinois for Dental Insurance Adopted
16-0928-PR9 Authorize the First Renewal Agreement with EyeMed Vision Care for Vision Insurance Adopted
16-0928-PR10 Authorize the Second and Final Renewal Agreement with Sedgwick Claims Management Services Inc. for Short-Term Disability (STD) and Family Leave Medical Act Services Adopted
16-0928-PR11 Authorize a New Agreement with R.V. Kuhns and Associates, Inc. DBA RVK, Inc. for Retirement Plans Consulting Services Adopted

Delegable Report

Report from the General Counsel

16-0928-AR1 Report on Board Report Rescissions Accepted

Non-delegable board report that require member action

Report from the Chief Procurement Officer

16-0928-PR3 Approve Payment to Mica Matsoff Consulting LLC for Additional Consulting Services Adopted
*Presented at the meeting

I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.

Susan J. Narrajos